Friday, September 14, 2012

Facebook Essay!

Personally, Facebook started as a way for me to talk to other people easier. It was a way for me to stay in contact, share ideas, and network with other people. It started out with me making friends with people I immediately made contact with, and who I regularly hung out with and talked to. As the days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, and even from months to years, I slowly started accumulating large masses of "friends" who I've never met before, or would ever meet.
               I started using Facebook as my primary social networking site when I was in the 9th  grade. It was fun being able to see all the different people. In school, when you want to be as popular as someone else, as cool as someone else, or party like that one kid, it's really interesting to see how they really act and talk (as apparent on Facebook). When you talk to people, meet new peers with the same interests as you, it becomes intoxicating! Everyone talking about the same thing, no matter if it was bad or good, as long as it was addressed it was talked about!
               I met a lot of great friends thanks to Facebook that I didn't even know went to the same school as me! I made a couple of best friends because of the constant communication that Facebook allowed. It helped me talk about things with other people, that I thought might be embarrassing in real life.Growing up with such a huge social networking site was beneficial for a large part of my life... But towards the end of my senior year the site Facebook, started to become a hassle to maintain, hard to keep friendships, keep up with the changing times, and hear all of the ignorant complaints and "Facebook Fights".
               Presently, over 950 million people in the world have an active Facebook account (meaning they log in at least once in a month), and over 500 million people log onto Facebook on a daily basis. This means that almost 1/7 of the world's population has a Facebook. Over twice the population of the US has a Facebook! To me, this is an incredible amount! Considering China and India both won't allow their citizens to have a Facebook account! Over two million people each week join Facebook, and help maintain the 200 million accounts that Facebook entices people to make. More than five million kids, aged 10 and under have a Facebook account. The minimum age for a Facebook account is thirteen. There were over 7.5 million kids under the age of thirteen that had a Facebook account a year ago, imagine what that number is today; probably well over 9 million! My little brother who is now 14, has had a Facebook for over two years! It was found out that these accounts were not only violating the sites terms and conditions, but that it caused an increase in reports of serious threats like predators and bullies.
               About 20-30% of Facebook Users are "power users". This means that more people recieve messages, friend requests, 'likes', and are tagged in more pictures, than they put in. The average Facebook user 'likes' their friend's Facebook content about 14 times per month, while they get their own content 'liked' about 20 times per month. The thought of the friend of my friend is a friend, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is not just simply a rule, but also is an exception on Facebook It was tested, that the average Facebook user is very loosely, if not completely detached from their 'friends' on Facebook. Only about 5% of users on Facebook take advantage of hiding ones newsfeed from them self because of arguments, different views, or simply the ignorance! If the average Facebook user became friends with their friend's friends', then they could easily reach over 150,000 other users on Facebook. If you had over 900 friends on Facebook, you could potentially reach over 8 million users on Facebook. "Facebook's" popularity is far from decreasing, in fact, more and more people use Facebook each year. There is over a 29% increase in the amount of active users, than that of last year.
               Some positive aspects of Facebook can be found when the definition of Facebook is explored into more detail. Facebook can not only help people relax, but can also improve your heart rate, and decrease stress levels. In a study, students were observed in three different situations: looking at panoramic landscapes, doing complicated math equations, and using Facebook. The first situation caused the students to feel relaxed, the math equations made the students feel stressed, and the time on Facebook cause them to show high levels of attractiveness and arousal. Facebook can also help get a person a job! When the person about to give an interview happens to be on Facebook, looks you up, and sees you doing a keg-stand on your profile picture, don't expect to get that interview! Facebook can help boost self-esteem by making them feel good about themselves, simply by looking at their Facebook wall! Research even shows that even a 10-minute break for Facebook makes employees happier and much more productive. In a study, the people who were allowed to use Facebook for ten minutes on break, versus people who were allowed no break, were 40% more productive, and the people who were allowed to do anything for a 10 minute break except for Facebook, versus the group who could use Facebook, felt a 16% decrease in productivity. Finally, Facebook can also help get you a college degree! Research shows that students who were active on Facebook were more likely to stay in school and earn the degree they have been seeking!
               It is easily seen that there are both positive and negative aspects to joining a site like Facebook. From the lack of privacy and security, to the increase in self-esteem, productivity, and heart rate! It's everyone's own independent choice to join a social networking site. Personally, I choose to not be a part of Facebook, because I believe soon, it will not be something that everyone uses and likes anymore, but will be too large for us to control, and will eventually become a problem instead of the solution to social networking problems in the past.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sources for Essay

Sources for Essay!

^ "Why Most Facebook Users Get More Than They Give". Journalist's

 ^ Carlson, Nicholas (March 5, 2010). "At Last – The Full Story Of How Facebook Was Founded". Business Insider.

 ^ "Five million Facebook users are 10 or younger". May 10, 2011. Retrieved May 15, 2011.

  Story, Louise (March 10, 2008). "To Aim Ads, Web Is Keeping Closer Eye on You". The New York Times. Retrieved March 9, 2008.

 ^ "Why you should beware of Facebook". The Age (Melbourne). January 20, 2008. Retrieved April 30, 2008.